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Mall of America® Builds a Ground-Breaking Loyalty Experience with Coniq

In February 2023 Mall of America® launched MOA® Insiders, their innovative digital loyalty program aimed at delivering love moments for their guests. MOA’s Vice President of Marketing Grant Buntje sat down with us to discuss the motivations behind the program’s inception and their decision to collaborate with Coniq to build a unique loyalty experience.

Why did Mall of America launch a loyalty program?

We really pride ourselves on listening to our guests. We have a lot of different ways where we get guest’s feedback, we listen to guests from surveys and intercepts and are just out talking to them. And this is something that we hear over and over again.

They want to be rewarded for their experiences here at Mall of America. We have a lot of loyal fans and we want to be able to provide them surprises and delights and give them different rewards as they engage with us.

What objectives did you have for the MOA Insiders Program? 

When we set out to develop the program, we wanted to really put the guest at the center of it, understand our guest shopping behavior, and provide them rewards that fit their needs or what they’re looking for.

So we set out and said, what do we want? Right, what are we ultimately trying to get from the rewards?

We would love to increase spend, we would love to increase dwell time, we would love to increase the frequency of visits. But at the end of the day, what we really want to do is provide our guests with those surprise and delight moments by rewarding them for their engagement with us.

Why did Mall of America partner with Coniq? 

When we started looking at how we were going to do rewards, we looked at a lot of different options and it became pretty clear early on that there was an expert in the shopping center space called Coniq, who brought a level of expertise and technology that let us launch faster and be more flexible in the development of our program.

What has your tenant feedback been like so far?

Our tenants have been really excited about the program. They’re starting to see that incremental spend for the rewards guests in their stores, but they also are really excited about how easy the program is to use.

On average, our tenants are seeing a less than 10-second transaction time using the Coniq scanners, which has just been great and now they’re asking for more. How can I do more? How can I reach these MOA guests that are out there?

What results have you seen since launching MOA Insiders?

Since launching in Q one, our first quarter, we’ve seen some really exciting numbers. We have over 40,000 registered users of MOA insiders and a tracked tenant of over 300 different tenants with transactions locked.

Now, the really exciting part is our paid membership. What we’re seeing is those guests are on average spending over 200% more in transaction value than our free members.

What is Mall of America’s favorite thing about working with Coniq?

Coniq has brought a lot of expertise to the table. So their valuable experience across the globe has been a great sounding board for our team.

We know our Mall of America guests, we pride ourselves on that experience, but we also like to be challenged and understand what other shopping centers and other rewards programs across the world are doing and that valuable insight coming from Coniq has been great.

Learn more about Mall of America’s loyalty experience with Coniq, read the full case study here

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