Learn how to implement a personalization strategy at your retail destination -

IQ Reach

Velocizza le vendite creando rapidamente un database di clienti attivi

L'unico strumento di CRM creato esclusivamente per i centri di vendita al dettaglio

Stop wasting marketing money

Comunicazioni poco mirate con contenuti irrilevanti rappresentano uno dei modi piú veloci per perdere l'interesse dei clienti

IQ Reach allows you to send highly personalized and relevant messages as part of a cost-effective solution to acquire new customers and keep them engaged..

email marketing software

Acquire and retain customers

Come funziona IQ Reach per voi

IQ Reach is designed specifically for marketers in retail destinations to send segmented and personalized communications that reach the right customers at the right time.

A differenza dei sistemi di emails tradizionali, IQ reach ti consente di inviare ai clienti offerte e premi altamente personalizzati, basati sulle loro preferenze e sulla demografia.

Aumenta le vendite, la fidelizzazione ed il lifetime value del cliente grazie alle potenti capacità di coinvolgimento dei clienti di IQ Reach.

customer database

Potenti capacità in un'unica soluzione integrata

Collect and manage customer data to send personalized messages.

email marketing platform

Emails Marketing
Design high conversion multi-language emails including offers.

coniq mobile app and sms push alerts

Send communications via email, push notifications and SMS.

shopper database

Identify key audiences based on behavior and shopping preferences.

reports and dashboards

Provide insight into customers behavior and share with your brands.

All-in-one Customer Engagement Platform

Learn how to communicate with your shoppers

I vantaggi dell'utilizzo di IQ Reach

Rapidly grow a rich and engaged customer database.

Drive quality footfall into your shopping center and retailers.

Reduce your marketing technology investments with our all-in-one platform.

Raise the brand of your shopping mall and your tenants’ with customers.

Improve the effectiveness of marketing with automated workflows.

Increase the return on your marketing investment with targeted campaigns.

IQ Reach sfrutta tutte le funzionalità della Piattaforma Coniq per un Coinvolgimento Totale del Cliente

Why use our Customer Engagement Platform

Rapida implementazione

Launch customer loyalty programs in days, not months.

Tempi di valutazione più veloci

Improve operational efficiencies and time to market.

Funzionalità di facile utilizzo

Add new tools and data on the fly yourself.

Piattaforma a prova di futuro

Integrate seamlessly into your existing IT ecosystem.

Prendi decisioni più rapide e accurate

Use context to improve decision accuracy across the organization.

Coinvolgimento multicanale

Connect data from across physical and online customer touchpoints.

Mantieni i dati al sicuro

Ensure consumer data privacy and regulatory compliance.

Migliora la produttività dei dipendenti

Automate customer engagement and data management processes.

IQ Reach

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