Dopo oltre un anno di lockdown intermittenti e distanziamento sociale, possiamo certamente affermare che la pandemia ha cambiato il modo in cui viviamo, lavoriamo e acquistiamo. Infatti, durante l’ultimo anno, i consumatori hanno dovuto realizzare gran parte dei propri acquisti online anziché nei negozi e questo, naturalmente, ha generato stress finanziario nel mondo retail.
In Italy, 66% of consumers changed when, where and how they shopped last year. This new behaviour, and preferences for value and convenience, will stay for the foreseeable future. In response, shopping centres and outlets must change with the times if they are to remain relevant and in business. Fortunately, the news is positive.
With offices around the world, we are in a lucky place to closely monitor how organisations have responded to the challenges brought on by the pandemic in the short term while planning for longer-term changes.
The common theme we have seen is organisations focusing on getting closer to the customer. This may not be a shocking revelation, but it’s a fact. Our industry has experienced more innovation in the past six months than in the past six years.
Below, we have highlighted five examples of what shopping centres and outlets have done to stay relevant with customers. Hopefully, you can use a couple of these examples as you continue to transform your business operations to be closely aligned to shopper expectations.
The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of e-commerce, providing millions of people with the means and, in some cases, the only place to buy goods and services. In contrast, physical retail has been closed due to government restrictions.
Pur sapendo che le vendite raggiungeranno livelli record non appena le attività commerciali potranno riaprire in modo permanente, l'e-commerce dovrebbe essere un importante canale di coinvolgimento dei clienti per la vostra organizzazione.
Creating an e-commerce marketplace will benefit your retailers by providing new opportunities for them to sell to shoppers, even in countries such as Italy, where just 5% of consumers currently buy online. This number will rapidly increase as Italians expect new retail services and experiences.
Come si combina la vendita tradizionale in negozio con il commercio digitale? Se cercate ispirazione, date un'occhiata a The Village, un outlet francese di proprietà di Compagnie de Phalsbourg, dove i clienti acquistano online i prodotti che vengono poi consegnati loro a domicilio.
Compagnie de Phaslbourg’s marketing team has kept their eyes solely focused on their customers, integrating e-commerce with a loyalty program so shoppers enjoy a seamless retail experience online and instore, so when they buy, they earn exclusive benefits, services, and experiences.
Shopping virtuale
People often say that “necessity is the mother of invention.” During the lockdown, innovative retail destinations found ways to generate revenue for their retailers by launching new services, such as virtual shopping.
Progettato per portare a casa del cliente l'esperienza di acquisto, che si verificherebbe in negozio, lo shopping virtuale consente agli acquirenti di continuare a fare shopping senza esporsi ad alcun rischio e mantenendo gli stessi benefici.
To shop, customers need to visit a centre’s website, or a specific retailer in the centre, to search and find items to buy. Staff are on call through multiple channels, including WhatsApp, email, or phone, to answer any questions while customers buy items using their loyalty program membership. Items are available for curbside pickup or delivery.
Bicester Village Shopping Collection ha fatto un lavoro straordinario in tal senso e offre un servizio di shopping virtuale, che sa fornire ai clienti un'esperienza unica e memorabile, e che genera e continuerà a generare ricavi. has done a fantastic job with its virtual shopping service, providing a unique and memorable customer experience that pays dividends today and in the future.
Geo Loyalty
Geo Loyalty, the convergence of proximity marketing and customer loyalty, is radically improving how shopping centres and outlets understand and engage customers. Historically, brands only know about shoppers after the transaction at the till.
With Geo-Loyalty, organisations such as Irgen Retail Management are able to influence shoppers before they visit, greatly increasing footfall and sales for brands. Marketing teams can also leverage customer location data to send highly relevant and personalised communications, including offers and rewards to get shoppers to spend more time and money while they are visiting and afterward to entice them to return.
La Geo-Loyalty è uno strumento prezioso attraverso il quale Irgen Retail Management prevede di aumentare il fatturato del Cilento Outlet del 10% quest'anno. Questo obiettivo sarà raggiungibile in quanto Irgen Retail Management ora dispone di una visione in tempo reale del comportamento dei clienti.
Per molte persone l'acquisto di oggetti e servizi non è sufficiente: vogliono qualcosa in più, come, per esempio, un premio esperienziale connesso a ciò che hanno acquistato. I centri commerciali e gli outlet, che sono in grado di offrire prodotti ed esperienze, raggiungono il successo.
The challenge for shopping centres and outlets is knowing what type of experience to offer customers and where in their shopping journey it should appear. By connecting the online and instore experience, you can understand, engage and influence shopper behaviour in real-time.
Loyalty programs are the ideal platform because they give retailers the capability to provide customers more than they expect. A prime example of this is Madison Avenue, which will soon launch a ground-breaking, experiential based loyalty program.
When customers join the program, they will receive personalised communications to encourage them to visit and spend in local stores, restaurants, and local attractions. When customers buy, they are rewarded. They will receive highly relevant communications and offers while earning currency for future rewards such as invitations to special VIP events.
Centri commerciali e outlet rappresentano vere e proprie istituzioni per le aree circostanti e per le comunità che le abitano.
Essi hanno, infatti, un'enorme capacità di attirare visitatori e invogliarli a tornare, generando così benefici per la comunità locale. Questo aspetto è particolarmente rilevante soprattutto in questo momento, poiché le persone, dopo mesi di isolamento e distanziamento sociale, cercano sempre più un senso di appartenenza alla comunità. I dirigenti che investono nella loro comunità sostenendo le imprese locali vedranno livelli più elevati di affluenza e vendite.
La historic market town of Holt, in England, is launching a new total customer engagement and loyalty program that will help stimulate the High Street by encouraging and rewarding residents and visitors to shop locally.
We cannot deny that the past year has posed many challenges for owners of shopping centres and outlets. But the news isn’t all doom and gloom. There are many bright lights of inspiration, demonstrating that when faced with adversity, the retail industry can innovate like never before. The question is, how will you respond?
We are hosting a webinar on May 12, which will provide practical ideas, and tips on implementing them to help transform your shopping centre or outlet, based on our observations of what’s underway in Italy. To register, please visit our event page here or click the button below!